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Monday 19 December 2016

Leadership Student

Leadership is an issue or authority that
 are moving people
the other, either individually or in groups within an organization that raises
willingness and ability to do something in achieving organizational goals.
Leadership includes various dimensions, and serves as one of the instruments
drive, the motor or motivator existing resources within the organization, so that the role
leadership is expected to mendinamisasikan organization in achieving its objectives.
Similarly, the stewardship role as one of the pathways
coaching students should be able to realize their duties and functions, the willingness and ability
actors leadership can only play with the best when it tertur,
planned and implemented continuous enhancement and development for principals
the leadership.
"Basic Leadership Training" for students of management, is one of the lines
coaching youth focused on individual competencies where cadres successor
national struggle is not just a slogan "Youth Hope Nation".
Benefits for students to follow the leadership that students can gain or
carry out include:
a. Participants know that every one should be able to lead yourself first
After getting the material on leadership, students know that
every one should be able to lead yourself first before he became
leaders for other people and organizations.
b. Participants are able to positively berpikr against itself, discipline in all things,
enthusiastic, and always sportsmanship in various conditions.
c. Participants were able to form a team
By learning the skills to build a team, students gain
valuable practice in working with others in management positions.
A leader must be able to set a specific purpose and then
give specific direction to implement these objectives; in
doing so, he also learned the skills to delegate responsibility.
Learning the art of listening to others in the team and responded with
flexibility when needed is good practice for the role
future leadership in any setting.
d. Can Utilize Resources
Put in a leadership position, a student can quickly
learn how to find and use resources to help
carry out its objectives. In a school setting, the leader may need
seek advice or assistance from teachers and principals.
e. Build Confidence
Students are trained to speak in public and to communicate with
various individuals, gains in self-confidence is to learn
assertiveness, learning to say "no" when necessary, learn to persevere
in the face of adversity all the skills that add confidence
person. Often, a willingness to take risks in the up position
as confidence in him increased student leader.
f. can Prioritizing
Students in a leadership position to learn quickly that they have to
priority in any situation. Learning how to do this and that,
however, takes practice. Given enough time students learn
priority skills are on how much time to, what
should spend the most time and so on which will stand
in good stead for the coming year. prioritizing involves
some kind of vision for the organization and know how to
directing everyone in the right direction.
g. Participants have a growing sense of togetherness, pride, and passion for
build a better organization of the school. The benefits of this leadership can be felt by the students after they completed follow
the training. And these benefits and the effect on their personality
also be felt when they get into an organization. both organizations
schools and community organizations.


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